Who Are You, Really? The Reflection of Disconnect

When technology doesn’t work and we can’t do anything to fix it, we tap into feelings of anger and frustration, of being out of control of something we believe is vital to our well-being. When did we surrender that much power to inanimate objects, allowing them to wreak such havoc in our lives? It’s as if we really do want to believe in fairy tales and have decided technology is our surrogate happy ending. When we have our technology, we will live happily ever after. We have tied technology to personal happiness, which is unwise. Happiness in life should never … Continue reading

Over-Reliance on the Web?

Allow me to briefly grumble about internet service providers (in general) as they consistently disappoint in the country of America (in particular). The customer service I’ve received has been, surprisingly, wonderful. That said, for an entire week my internet was cut off for no good reason. I live in a duplex, you see, and I had our internet set up at the beginning of the month. A day or so later our next door neighbors moved out. A week or so later I saw my ISP’s truck in front of our house. “What are they doing,” I wondered, and suddenly … Continue reading

The 50 Reasons Why

Are you ready to quit your marriage? Not all marriages die in rancor and fury. In fact, many marriages die from apathy, disinterest or just sheer lack of connection and empathy. Knowing where you are in your relationship has become a multi-billion dollar industry with everyone from Dr. Phil to Oprah Winfrey to the National Enquirer offering their opinions (educated or not) on how to know when your marriage is over. An Ounce of Divorce Prevention Marriage should never be about divorce. Many times, when a couple decides on divorce, there are unique and extenuating circumstances. These circumstances are not … Continue reading