Pinworms and Your Child

Pinworms are those nasty little white worms that infest their slimy, tiny bodies into the intestines. I know, not a pleasant topic, but very real especially in children. Do not be surprised if you find that your child has a case of pinworms as 10 to 40 per cent of children get them. The good thing is that they are easily treatable. The first thing that will give you an inkling that your child has pinworms is if you notice them scratching their bottom. This also comes with difficulty sleeping or restless sleeping and wiggling around in their bed a … Continue reading

Who Gets to Choose a Pet?

At our local Humane Society, they have a rule that before adopting a pet, everyone in the household is supposed to come in and meet the pet—the idea being that if any family member and pet don’t “mesh,” the adoption might not be successful. When I think back over our many years of family life, it is interesting to think of exactly HOW pets came into our family fold… A couple of our cats have been chosen as family projects, but we’ve had a few who found us too. Our recently-deceased cat Norma came to us in the midst of … Continue reading

The EYES Have It: How Eye Contact Can Transform Your Child

in your eyes– the light the heat– in your eyes– I am complete– in your eyes– I see the doorway to a thousand churches– in your eyes– the resolution of all the fruitless searches– in your eyes — Peter Gabriel The Power of Eye Contact There is a dramatic, powerful human connection that takes place when two people gaze into each other’s eyes. Its effect has marveled people throughout time. Eye-to-eye gaze between two individuals can send the subconscious message, “I see you. I want to understand you; I want you to understand me. I care about you.” In the … Continue reading

Where the Red Fern Grows

I was pleasantly surprised to turn on the television and find that “Where the Red Fern Grows” was about to begin. It had been several years since I had watched the movie or read the book. The G rated Doty-Dayton Productions movie was released in 1974 based on the novel by Wilson Rawls. This heartwarming story shows how one young boy learns the lessons of a man as he struggles with his family through the tough times of the 1930s. There is nothing more that Billy wants than a coon hound pup. However his father cannot afford one. His grandfather, … Continue reading

American Girl Place – New York, NY

The American Girl Place in New York is a Mecca of female adolescent wonder and commerce. Each day, thousands of starry eyed young ladies pass through the heavy revolving doors on 49th St and 5th Avenue and enter a world that many of them have only dreamed existed. Three floors stocked full of American Girl dolls! If you have a daughter or little girl in your life, American Girl has taken the steps to manufacture a doll that is an 18-inch look-a-like, with their “Just Like Me” series. For younger kids, such as our daughter, American Girl offers a line … Continue reading

What is Age Appropriate Sexual Development in Early Childhood? The Three to Five-Year-Olds.

The introduction to Age Appropriate Sexual Development can be viewed here. The pre-school child now has increased vocabulary and contact with a larger number of people. The children remain curious about their own bodies and the bodies of others. They are becoming acutely aware, and interested, of the difference between a boy body and a girl body and will typically start asking questions like, “Why does Daddy have a penis?” Their increased social contacts may bring them into contact with other Moms who are pregnant, or indeed, there may even be pregnancy in their own home. The questions continue: “Where … Continue reading

Thanks for the MOTOR Memories

What on earth are “motor memories,” you ask? Motor memories are physical tasks that your brain has memorized by feel. For example, we’ve all heard that once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget how to do it. That’s because once you’ve become accustomed to balancing the wheels, sitting upright on the seat, adjusting the speed of the petals, etc., you have created a motor memory. The brain sort of “takes over” and you can ride a bike without having to think about it. Operating on Autopilot Even driving a car involves motor memory in some respects. Experienced … Continue reading

Advocating for the Rights and Needs of Children and Young People.

Advocacy is speaking up for someone, something, or fighting for a cause. It is a process of negotiation to assist in having rights and needs met. Advocacy can take many different forms. There’s individual advocacy, citizen advocacy, systems advocacy, parent advocacy, self-advocacy and cause advocacy. Every time you stick up for a child or relay information about what has happened for a child, you are advocating for that child’s rights. Every time you make a suggestion for improving playground access for a child with a disability, you are advocating for the rights of people with a disability. Every time you … Continue reading