Boys and Anorexia

Anorexia is typically seen as a girls’ disorder, and this can have fatal results for boys whose disease often goes undiscovered too long, as parents, friends and loved ones don’t recognize the signs until the disorder has a firm hold on its sufferer, often with fatal results. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, there are at least one million males in the United States that are fighting anorexia or bulimia. Some affected by these psychological illnesses are as young as ten years old. These numbers are probably lower than the reality. There is more of a shame when a … Continue reading

Anorexia Is Striking Tweens

What used to be common problems in high school are now trickling down to middle school. And according to a recent article I read at “CNN Health,” anorexia is becoming yet another problem for tweens. Tweens are considered to be children who are between the ages of 9 and 12 years old. Yes, even at these young ages they are beginning to worry about their weight and apparently to a point that they are actually developing anorexia. It starts even younger when girls begin to point out to others that they are fat (or they worry that they are fat). … Continue reading

Spring Babies Have Slightly Higher Risk of Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that tends to start when someone is in their teen years. Teens, (and adults), who have this psychological disorder have a distorted body image, which causes the person to be overly preoccupied with controlling their food intake. Researchers have found that babies that were born during the Spring months have a slightly higher risk of developing anorexia nervosa. Anorexia will usually present itself when a person is a teenager. This mental disorder generally affects more women than men, but men can be affected by this disorder as well. This disorder starts with strict dieting … Continue reading

Risk of Anorexia May Be Genetically Determined

Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological disorder that typically affects adolescent girls, but can also affect adolescent boys, and adult women and men. It is an eating disorder that distorts body image, and effects a person’s health in a very negative way. There have been many theories about why anorexia occurs, and why some people develop it while others do not. A new study reveals that there may be a genetic link that increases a person’s risk of having anorexia. It has been estimated that 9 out of 1000 women in America have anorexia nervosa. Patients with this disorder have an … Continue reading

Anorexia Nervosa: Dieting Out Of Control

Although this is a topic about dieting that has gone terribly out of control, it is also a very real psychological disorder. Anorexia nervosa, or anorexia is an eating disorder that is difficult to treat. It typically affects the female in 95% of the cases. I am sure that this is no surprise to anyone given our world of focus on the relation between beauty and thinness. However, this disorder can affect the male species as well. It usually makes itself known in the adolescent. Everything starts out relatively normal in the victim of this disorder. They begin by wanting … Continue reading

What is Anorexia?

Rachel was 17 years old when she was first taken to her local doctor by her worried Mom for help. She looked older than her years— her lifeless eyes were shadowed, and her cheeks sunken. Her skin was pasty and stretched tightly across her cheekbones giving her a skeletal look. Her collarbones protruded sharply through her loose-fitting shirt. Despite her current appearance, Rachel still retained the traces of the beautiful young woman she had once been. Two years earlier Rachel had been “chunky”, as her best friend, Chloe, had one day innocently commented. It didn’t help Rachel that Chloe was … Continue reading

Hi and welcome to the Mental Health Blog site!

My name is Beth and I am a practicing Psychologist with almost ten years experience in personal, group, adolescent, and community counseling. Before I became a Psychologist, I graduated and worked briefly as a Geologist, mainly in research. But, as fascinating as geology is, it’s been a much more rewarding experience to help people come to grips with their problems and work with them to find a solution. It’s always given me a great sense of achievement to begin a session with an extremely distraught person, and by the end of that session, to see a smile and a glimmer … Continue reading

Does Your Kid Fake Bake?

Hi.  My name is Michele and I am a tanaholic. I’ve suffered with tanorexia for decades, thanks in large part to being born and raised in Hawaii. Thirty plus years and countless sunburns later I can only hope that my daughter doesn’t end up suffering from the same condition. Living in northern Wisconsin she has a good chance of escaping the same fate as her mother.  Then again, she could end up just like me if she gets hooked on reality television beauty shows. According to a new study, college students who watch reality beauty shows are at least twice … Continue reading

Developing a Healthy Body Image

There tends to be a lot of mixed messages when it comes to body image. It makes me wonder how tweens and teens are able to digest it all. On one side we are being told that America has an obesity problem and the trend in overweight children is increasing. Yet on the other hand we are bombarded with images of skinny people and made to feel that unless you are stick-thin, you don’t measure up. Both sides of the coin aren’t healthy. We need to meet somewhere in the middle. But it’s difficult. I know because I have a … Continue reading

Lady Gaga Gets Bigger

Lady Gaga’s fame has seen an incredible increase within the past few years. After the release of The Fame in 2008, which included the hit “Poker Face,” her career took off dramatically. That was followed up with The Fame Monster, which produced hits “Bad Romance,” “Telephone,” and “Alejandro.” She went on tour for 18 months and it became one of the highest grossing tours ever. Born This Way was released in 2011 and sold a bazillion copies (okay, not really, but it did sell over a million copies the first week it was released). She has a devoted following (her … Continue reading