Genetic Tests May Reveal Family Secrets

Genetic testing may reveal more than one might expect. Usually, when a person has genetic testing done, it is for the purpose of determining if that person is at risk for developing a certain genetically heritable disease. However, it turns out that these same tests can unearth cases of incest. This brings up an ethical dilemma about how to handle these specific cases. It is not a common finding, but it has happened. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, which is located in Houston, Texas, have stated using tests called single nucleotide polymorphism-based arrays. The purpose of these tests are … Continue reading

For One in Three Children, the Sun Does Not Shine Every Day.

Many years ago, as a young single mother and her two children happily walked the neighborhood streets, they would practice the Japanese they were all learning. “Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go,” they would count together as they reached every fifth house on the street. “One, two, three, four, five.” The little girl had trouble remembering the Japanese word for “five”. Searching for something that had reason, the mother desperately tried to find a way to make “Go” stay in her daughter’s mind. A family committed to ending child abuse, the mother used a figure that had meaning to their social … Continue reading

School Project Information on Sexual Assault.

Parents requesting information on sexual assault for school projects often contact me to find out where to start. When I can, I meet with the students and try to match the information supplied to their topic criteria. However, sometimes just knowing where to start finding out information about sexual assault is the best way to attack projects. It is such a scary and personal topic that many parents state that they are a little embarrassed about seeking information publicly because someone may wrongly think that either themselves, or their child, has been abused. With this in mind, I have gathered … Continue reading

When Bad Things Happen Again and Again.

It is not uncommon for a woman or child to reveal that many different perpetrators have sexually abused them throughout their life. There are neuropsychological and cognitive theories to explain why this happens. This does not mean that these theories are correct; it is just a way to help us understand how it is possible for one good person to attract so many bad things. What really gets me angered is when I hear people comment that the child or woman must be lying; that it is impossible for anybody to be sexually abused that many times. It is possible, … Continue reading

Mary Magdalene was Naught but a Prostitute.

Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She sold sex for money to survive. I have worked with many working girls throughout my career as a sexual assault worker. Many of them were Mary Magdalenes: women with amazing stories of strength, and change. Women who met a revolutionary agent of amazing charisma: another woman who did not judge them. The common thread with all the prostituting women’s stories was respect and acceptance from other people – mentors who saw their spirit, not just their sexual behaviors of survival. These working girls have often had a history of abuse, but more importantly, a … Continue reading

The Myths and Facts About Incest and Child Sexual Assault

October is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Queensland, Australia. The theme of the month is “Stop Incest”. Before incest can be eradicated, we all need to have an understanding of the pervasive myths that prevent us from acknowledging the seriousness of this horrific crime that is perpetrated by family members or close family friends. MYTH – Children lie about incest. FACT– Both research and the experiences of those who work with sexually abused children have shown that children very rarely lie about incest. Statistics show that in 98% of cases children’s statements are found to be true (Dympna House Editorial/Writers … Continue reading