More on childhood bipolar.

A came across a blog written by a psychologist that spoke to me. He was writing about a training he went to on childhood bipolar. When I was working in an inpatient facility for youth I was shocked at how many kids came into my facility with a diagnosis of bipolar, even though they did not meet the diagnostic criteria and clearly had other issues going on. I have previously written on the controversy of bipolar disorder and its diagnosis in childhood. What got me about the blog was that this psychologist was bringing to light some concerns that many … Continue reading

The Controversy of Bipolar Disorder

As I was reading through older blogs to see what has been covered I came across one on bipolar that caught my eye. Bipolar has become an interesting phenomenon in the mental health world. It used to be known as “Manic-Depressive Disorder” and was considered to be rare. Then the new diagnostic criteria came out, and all of a sudden I started seeing it diagnosed more and more. I started hearing “I’m Bipolar” as a reason for behaviors. Children started carrying the label, even though they truly did not meet the full diagnostic criteria. My colleagues and I started questioning … Continue reading

Athlete with Depression Makes a Statement

The title above has a double meaning. New York Mets relief pitcher Taylor Buchholz made an official announcement today that he was being treated for depression and anxiety. When I read the statement I nearly jumped with excitement. It may seem strange to be happy about this, but for someone in his position openly disclosing his problems is a major step in putting a face on “normal” mental health problems. It is always a fight to try and remove stigma from “mental illness”. When people hear that phrase they think of the seriously mentally ill, like those who have been … Continue reading