Study Shows Link Between Sleep, Obesity, and Learning Problems

A study finds that there is a connection between lack of sleep, learning difficulties, and childhood obesity. The existence of one of these three factors increases the risk that a child will also experience the other two factors. It could mean that reducing one factor can decrease the risk of developing the other two. A study was done at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. It included 351 elementary school kids. The average age of the children in this study was eight years old. There were some variables that were the same with all of the children in … Continue reading

Need A Break? Take A Mental Health Day

Working from home does not automatically mean that you are immune to feeling stressed out by your work. In fact, the life of a home-based professional is generally jam-packed with work, family, and other commitments that can sometimes threaten to overwhelm even the most organized and stable person. While you may not think that you are entitled to take a “mental health day” from time to time, you could probably benefit from doing so. There does not have to be a crisis going on for you to take a break from your work. In fact, mental health days are quite … Continue reading

Crossfit Helps Me with Stress Levels

So, my stress levels have been high lately, and, thanks to the help of some people at work, I have found a new way to release much of the tension and stress… Through Crossfit. If you’re not familiar with Crossfit, it is an approach to fitness that is intense and exhausting. It is cardio and weightlifting all rolled into one. And it’s helping me get through the tough time I’ve been having. I’ve blogged in the past about how exercise (and sleep) can aid in stress management, but I’ve never quite experienced anything like this before. Crossfit combines basic movements … Continue reading

Meditation as Stress Relief

So, the day has come. Today, I dropped my husband off at the bus station. He is going 800 miles away. I am left with three children, a dog, a cat, a house, and a yard, all alone with my high stress levels and postpartum madness. But I think I’m going to try a couple new things to help me cope with the situation. First, as I mentioned before, will be organization. I’m going to physically write a schedule and post it on the kitchen wall. This schedule will include things like dinner and story time. Play time and clean … Continue reading

Dad’s Depression has an Impact on Baby

When we discuss postpartum depression, we automatically think of moms suffering from this illness. But a recent study showed that many dads may experience depression after a new baby is born. And this study also revealed that dad’s depression can have major ramification of your children. There appears to be a direct correlation between dad’s depression and spanking. The study showed that 40 percent of depressed dads have spanked their one year old child, compared to only 13 percent of dads that are not suffering. These results are alarming, as children this young most likely will not make the connection … Continue reading

The Connection Between Sleep, Exercise, and Mental Health

I know my mental health has had its ups and downs, as I’m sure yours has too. So what do we do when we’re not at our best emotionally? When my mental self is not at its healthiest, most often I’m lacking in some basic areas, such as sleep and exercise. For me, these two things have a direct impact on my mental health. First, if I go for extended periods without enough sleep, I will soon be grouchy, agitated, and angry at the world. I tend to snap on people for no reason and have limited impulse control. But … Continue reading