Depression: It’s More Than Being Sad

Depression is a clinical disorder in which the brain no longer produces the proper amount of serotonin. This can happen for a number of reasons and can last for invariable amounts of time. For some reason there often is a stigma associated with depression. I even once had a boy I was dating tell me there was no such thing. Another man I know told me to “build a bridge and get over it.” For someone suffering from depression these comments were both hurtful and completely untrue. I was dealing with something I literally had no control over. Hard as … Continue reading

Depression Among Single Parents

Most single parents experience some form of depression at one time or another throughout their parenting career. What may have begun as sadness may have developed into something far greater. There are times when extreme emotional trauma can throw your body into an extreme chemical imbalance. This isn’t your fault; it is your body’s response to the chaos going on around you. Depression is more than just a deep sadness at your situation. Most of us aren’t thrilled at our circumstances as a single parent, but when you are depressed you may feel consumed by that sadness. You may feel … Continue reading

Sadness vs. Depression What’s the Difference?

We all have experienced sadness at some point in our lives. It is a natural reaction when we go through certain trials in our lives to feel sad at our circumstances. However it is only temporary, as we come to terms with these circumstances, and work through them, we recover and the sadness begins to subside. Depression is a far deeper issue. When someone is depressed there is an actual chemical imbalance in their brain. This can be caused by tragedy in the person’s life, but also can happen for no apparent reason at all. When someone is suffering from … Continue reading

Supermoms and Depression

When I saw a recent headline about so-called supermoms being at a higher risk for depression my first thought was “Who isn’t a supermom these days”? Whether you work outside of the home or not the pressure on moms is high. There seems to be an expectation that regardless of what is going on mom needs to keep the household running. That may not mean she has to do it all, but certainly she has to make sure it all gets done. I don’t consider myself a supermom at all. Until recently I worked a full and part time job, … Continue reading

Put On A Happy Face

It’s always important to be a positive role model for your children, not only in the things you do but in your outlook on life as well. This is especially important if you are a single parent. It’s very important that you have taken care of your emotional needs and are in a good place when you interact with your children. As their sole custodial parent you have the most influence on their attitude and outlook on life. It’s very easy to get discouraged. There are bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a house to run, it can be … Continue reading

How to Increase Your Milk Supply

If you are worried that your young baby isn’t gaining as much weight as you think he should, or if you don’t feel as though you are producing enough milk, you may want to try some methods to increase your milk supply. Here are some tips. First let me say that sometimes it may seem as though you don’t have enough milk because your baby seems ravenous, when you are actually producing plenty of milk. The constant feeding could be because your baby is going through a growth spurt. Your pediatrician or a lactation consultant should be able to help … Continue reading