Sleeping with Another

When you’ve been used to sleeping on your own, sleeping with another person can be an interesting experience. It can at times be frustrating, it can be comforting or it can be a lot of fun. I suspect Mick hasn’t found it too much fun sharing a bed with me the last few weeks. Because of the pain in my back I have been very restless. Turning over in bed, turns into a major exercise. Of course we could choose to have separate beds. We do have another double bed in the house but he’d rather put up with the … Continue reading

The Emerging of the Butterfly

I have been especially aware lately of some changes in my children that I can only compare to a butterfly as it comes out of its cocoon. When my children were younger we bought one of those butterfly habitats where you could watch the caterpillars spin their cocoons and eventually come out as a beautiful butterfly. It was a pretty amazing experience and that’s exactly how I feel now as I become aware of changes in my children. In my 16-year-old son I am beginning to see a level of maturity that hadn’t been there before. In my 13-year-old daughter … Continue reading

Swimsuit Shopping: Not for the Faint of Heart

We’ve probably all heard it before. We probably didn’t give it much thought until it actually happened to us. We probably all look back and think, “I didn’t know how good I had it until it was gone.” I’m talking about pre-pregnancy boobs. Sure, some of us who were smaller-chested before pregnancy probably loved the increase in size that came with being pregnant. I was your average C-cup before being pregnant, and I enjoyed the newly acquired curves. During the first few months of my baby’s life, I was too busy with my baby to pay attention to what was … Continue reading

How Walking Can Benefit Your Marriage.

Walking can be good for your marriage. How? Here are four ways it can be of benefit to your marriage. 1. Walk with your spouse Walking together with your spouse can be a great time to talk things over, to simply enjoy being together, to discuss problems, talk about the kids. Mick and I do a lot of talking while we are out walking which is something we try and do most days. Yes Mick is retired these days which gives us more options regarding walking time, but even when he was working we would walk together sometimes before but … Continue reading

What Would You Not Forgive – Part 2?

Yesterday I told you of the discussion four of us had about what we would not forgive or would struggle to forgive. The other thing both of us the women in the group mentioned was domestic violence. I’d find it hard to live with a man who took out his frustration and anger on me in violent ways. You’d always be walking on eggshells wondering what next would set him off. I say he, because although abuse of husband by wives does happen, it is less common. With domestic violence there is often a pattern where the violent act is … Continue reading

Are You Letting Secrets Slip While Talking on Your Cell Phone?

I was wandering down the aisle at the grocery store the other evening and I came upon someone having an intense business conversation on her cell phone. She was discussing all sorts of particulars—including names, financial amounts, and other details. I realized that while cell phones are handy and have changed the way we work—we still should be cautious of what we talk about and where… Maybe you think that no one will know what you are talking about and to whom, or maybe a person gets so caught up in the conversation or the “deal” going down that it … Continue reading

Does Your Doctor Not Understand Mental Illness?

I am often frustrated when one of my clients goes to see their doctor for a physical ailment and is basically dismissed, or at best, condescended to, simply because they have a record of mental illness, either past or present. It seems that once you have suffered from depression or anxiety, or worse still, one of the major mental illnesses, every little twinge, whether it be in your stomach or your big toe, is often put down to a symptom of mental illness. Yes, they will tell you that “It’s all in your mind, dear.” I once had a patient … Continue reading

I’m Giving It Another Go

In past blogs, I talked about how hard it was for me to work at home. I got lonely, I went a little stir crazy, I turned an awful pasty white color, and I spent most of my day talking to the dogs. Okay, I’ll admit it: I was actually talking to myself, not the dogs. I did talk to the dogs too, but it was more of a yelling tone of voice, “Will you just stop barking already??! I am going to kill you two!” Not really in-depth conversations happening there. As of Friday afternoon though, I am again … Continue reading

‘Walking’ Marriages

So I was channel surfing this weekend and I came across a show on PBS that was talking about the Mosuo people of China. I’d never heard of them before, but what caught my interest was the statement about the matriarchal style of society that the Mosuo have. Apparently, the Mosuo people live in an area of the Himalayas around Lugu Lake in the Southern part of China. What makes this society so unique is that they are one of the world’s few remaining matriarchies. Among the Mosuo people, the women are in charge of all aspects of their society. … Continue reading

Still Talking but Not Walking?

Remember Ann and her “friend” Julie from Do you Talk the Talk but not Walk the Walk? Julie had upset Ann terribly because she had promised to take Ann, who suffered from an anxiety disorder, to the doctors. Although Ann had given Julie seven weeks notice, Julie reneged on her promise just days before and left Ann not only in the lurch, but extremely upset. But I have some good news about Ann. She was determined that she wouldn’t allow Julie to prevent her from getting to the doctor’s, even though initially she had no idea who she could get … Continue reading