Worried About Your Kids Sexting?

You’d think that with all of the conversations and warnings going on about sexting, that kids would be less likely to do it and parents would be more aware of what they are doing. (read Sexting: Harmful or Harmless?) Still, Sexting numbers have gone through the roof. In fact, one third of young people have engaged in sexting. The result is bullying, sexual harassment, and often suicide. As bad as sexting is, the torture that follows it is worse. This is why it is in the parents best interest to take steps to prevent teenagers for engaging in sexting. There … Continue reading

Sexting: Harmful or Harmless?

Teens and pre-teens are increasing sending explicit images of themselves via texting using cell phones, a phenomenon known as “sexting”. Girls as young as eight have been reported sending photos of themselves topless and girls in their early teens sending videos of themselves naked with objects inserted into various parts of their body are not uncommon. These images are sent by cell phones to boyfriends and other friends, but unfortunately it does not end there. One of the aims of these girls is to use this technology to flirt with young boys and show them images of themselves to get … Continue reading

Deciphering Teen Speak: Derogatory Words Boys Use About Girls

In a previous article Deciphering Teen Speak: Words parents should know I discuses a list words that teens use that parents need to know. I also wrote Deciphering Teen Speak: Drug Related Words Parents Should Know. My next article was Deciphering Teen Speak: Sex Words Parents Should Know. My final installment of this series speaks to words boys use that are disrespectful towards girls. Many of these words are misogynist, and while the boys may not realize it they victimize women. Parents should know these terms so they can stop teen boys from using them and discuss why they might … Continue reading

Deciperhing Teen Speak: Sex Words Parents Should Know

In a previous article Deciphering Teen Speak: Words parents should know I discussed a list words that teens use that parents need to know. I also wrote Deciperhing Teen Speak: Drug Related Words Parents Should Know. If you are the least bit concerned about your child being involved in drugs, you should know these words. Another area where teens use code words is when talking about sex. Here are some of the many euphemisms parents should know that indicate they are having or talking about sex. Euphemisms teens use for sex: Jeepin: I am sure you get the picture. While … Continue reading

Deciperhing Teen Speak: Drug Related Words Parents Should Know

In a previous article Deciphering Teen Speak: Words parents should know, I discussed a list words that teens use that parents need to know. The words were mostly fun and pretty harmless. Teens also have code words for things that are not quite as harmless. For example, teens have hundreds of code words for drugs. Here are some of the code words for drugs commonly used by teens that parents should know. Drug related terms: Marijuana has the biggest list of code words. Some of the more popular words are hood scratch, la la, Mary Jane (where can I find … Continue reading

Deciphering Teen Speak: Words parents should know

An alert parent will know about about text speak and message board code, and we may even be able to decipher it. But we still get lost when we are talking to our teens. Yes, even with my suburban homeschooled teens, sometimes I have no idea what they are talking about. Some of the current teen talk just leaves me confused as to the actual meaning of what they say. Here are some of the words commonly used by teens that parents should know. Minute: We would think that when a teen says “minute” or “a minute” that they mean … Continue reading

Cell Phone Rules for Teens

Some time ago, a Michelle, a families.com blogger asked, “Does Your Child Have a Cellphone”. While it was clearly something she wasn’t interested in, she estimated that 54 percent of 8-12 year old’s would have them in the next three years. I am not surprised. In fact my kids have had cell phones since they were 11. The reason for giving my kids cell phones was to keep track of them when they left the home. Back when I was a kid, my mother gave me change when I left the house so I could call her from a pay … Continue reading