Choosing Happiness

We are all faced with choices every day. What to wear, who to talk to, what to eat, but sometimes we forget that we can choose how to feel too. We can’t change the choices that people make. Everybody has their agency, but we can choose how to respond to them. Just because other people have made choices that have hurt you, doesn’t mean you have to feel miserable because of them. It is ok to feel hurt, it is ok to wish that things were different, but you can choose where your focus is. You can focus on the … Continue reading

Put On A Happy Face

It’s always important to be a positive role model for your children, not only in the things you do but in your outlook on life as well. This is especially important if you are a single parent. It’s very important that you have taken care of your emotional needs and are in a good place when you interact with your children. As their sole custodial parent you have the most influence on their attitude and outlook on life. It’s very easy to get discouraged. There are bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a house to run, it can be … Continue reading