How to Control Your Spending

Saving money is easy, the experts will tell you. It is just a matter of spending less than you make. But this simple explanation doesn’t take into account real life. Controlling your spending can be hard work. Here are some tips. Track your “no spending” days Challenge yourself, your relatives, your friends on Facebook, your friends here in the forums to no spending days. Basically, you see how far you can go without spending anything. Sometimes the days will be easy, such as when the weather is bad and you stay home. Other days will be harder, such as … Continue reading

How to Keep From Going Insane

This technically is an “ask a baby blogger” blog. I’ve been asked numerous times how I keep my sanity with all of my children. The truth is. . .I really like being a mother. Ask my husband; I have infinite patience for potty accidents, and fussy babies. I even have a pretty high tolerance level for temper tantrums. . .but that’s another story. In fact, now that our little ones are nearer to three than they are to two. . .I kind of miss having an infant. But I remember the house bound days of having a newborn. Bathing was … Continue reading

Financial Goals for Marriage

Finances and marriage are always a tough combination. There never seems to be enough money and sometimes, there can be too much. Both can be a potent one-two punch to a marriage’s balance and tranquility. Married to the Money Financially, my marriage has been in both boats. In the early years of our relationship, we always had excess cash. It sounds great and at times, it was great. But whenever we had difficulties in the relationship, we used money to repair problems. We’d buy presents or go do something extravagant. Retail therapy was a great panacea for all ills. What … Continue reading

Money is Power

Now certainly everyone has heard the saying, money is power. But what exactly does that mean for you? For many, the sensation of money is almost an addiction. Whether it is the thrill you get while shopping and spending or the excitement of that raise, it certainly creates a type of adrenaline rush. It is this rush that gives us the sense of power. Now, are we really more powerful when we have more money? In some circles maybe, but is that really what we all want? Do you want people to respect you and enjoy your company because you … Continue reading