No Two Depressions are Created Equal

Most people don’t start out in life intentionally headed toward depression. Life just takes you down that detour sometimes, for a whole host of reasons. Sometimes it’s a traumatic event that shakes your world and shatters your confidence. Sometimes it’s the cumulative effect of anxiety and fear about yourself and your future. Sometimes it’s the sheer weariness of never seeming to get on the right road to happiness. Sometimes it’s the constant criticism and negativity of the people you travel with. Sometimes it’s because no matter how fast you go, you can’t seem to outrun your past. Sometimes it’s because … Continue reading

Sadness vs. Depression What’s the Difference?

We all have experienced sadness at some point in our lives. It is a natural reaction when we go through certain trials in our lives to feel sad at our circumstances. However it is only temporary, as we come to terms with these circumstances, and work through them, we recover and the sadness begins to subside. Depression is a far deeper issue. When someone is depressed there is an actual chemical imbalance in their brain. This can be caused by tragedy in the person’s life, but also can happen for no apparent reason at all. When someone is suffering from … Continue reading