Study Finds Preemies Have Higher Risk of Severe Mental Disorders

We know that babies who are born prematurely tend to have a lag between their chronological age and their developmental age. A study finds that they are also at a higher risk for developing certain types of severe mental disorders than are their peers who were born full term. There are statistics that say that one out of every eight babies is born as a preemie. This means that the baby was born before the pregnancy reached 37 weeks. Scientific research that has been done in areas that relate to health and medicine have helped even the youngest preemies to … Continue reading

The Difference Between Moodiness and Bipolar Disorder

I was talking to a co-worker the other day and we were discussing a teenage client who has extreme mood swings. One minute he’s happy go lucky, joking and laughing, the next he’s angry at the world and wants to hurt someone. “I’m guessing he’s Bipolar ,” my peer said. I just rolled my eyes. Often people will say things like this when dealing with moody people. After all, most know that people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder have extreme ups and extreme downs. The misconception that most people have is that these ups and downs happen quickly, like mood … Continue reading

Treatment for Depression During Pregnancy

Did you know about 12 million women in the US experience clinical depression each year? What happens to these women when they become pregnant? According to a story in the Los Angeles Times, 13% of pregnant woman took antidepressants at some point during their pregnancy. For many women, the choice of whether to continue with their medication when they become pregnant is a difficult one. They must weigh the risks of not treating their depression with the risk of what the drugs may do to their unborn child. The American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can vary enormously in both severity and type of symptoms between person to person. Therefore the assistance of a psychiatrist will be necessary to help you manage your bipolar symptoms during pregnancy. Lithium and epilum are two of the drugs of choice used to manage the bipolar state and it is best for your baby if you can be as drug-free as possible during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester. Pregnancy can be a physically stressful time, so ensure that your diet is excellent and you get plenty of exercise. The latter can both help with lowering stress … Continue reading

Downward Spiral of a Teen Mom

Let’s face it; even if your baby daddy is not an immature douchebag and your parents haven’t kicked you to the curb for having unprotected sex, getting pregnant while you are still a teenager is not going to be problem-free. So what of the teens moms, who don’t have a network of family and friends to rely on for support? Their rainbow/unicorn/puppy dog dreams typically shatter much quicker following the birth of their babies. Just ask Amber Portwood. The Indiana mom got pregnant while she was still in high school, but instead of giving birth, completing the credits needed to … Continue reading

The One Reason to Never-Ever Have Even 1 Drink While Pregnant!

…She seems to have a complex pattern of behavior and cognitive abnormalities. These issues become more and more apparent as she grows up. Her behavior is inconsistent with her developmental level. For the past three and a half years, it has been blamed on her background and environment. She was, after all, an abused child who became my adopted daughter at the age of five-years-old. Her background and history was the original explanation for these behaviors and cognitive abnormalities. Her diagnosis reads like a cup of Alphabet soup! It has been one acronym upon another, stacked up like a brick … Continue reading