No Two Depressions are Created Equal

Most people don’t start out in life intentionally headed toward depression. Life just takes you down that detour sometimes, for a whole host of reasons. Sometimes it’s a traumatic event that shakes your world and shatters your confidence. Sometimes it’s the cumulative effect of anxiety and fear about yourself and your future. Sometimes it’s the sheer weariness of never seeming to get on the right road to happiness. Sometimes it’s the constant criticism and negativity of the people you travel with. Sometimes it’s because no matter how fast you go, you can’t seem to outrun your past. Sometimes it’s because … Continue reading

Living Alone and Depression

Studies show that people who live alone are more prone to depression and other mental health issues than people who don’t. This, of course, includes all of us single mothers. No we don’t live along, we have plenty of company, but can you really work on your budget with a six year old? Or talk about how your boss treated you, or health worries you have, or really, anything significant? No, we can’t, our children are not our peers and should not be burdened with our worries. So we internalize a lot of it and that can lead to depression. … Continue reading

Is Depression Numbing Your Anxiety?

Years ago depression was considered a weakness, suffered by weak people, some citing a higher rate of depression among women. This chauvinistic, repressive attitude toward depression and its sufferers has been changing, allowing the depression to come out from under the cloak of shame and seek help for their illness. Depression shows itself through a prolonged period of sadness or anxiety. I have seen firsthand the link between anxiety and depression. The possibility for the chronically anxious person to become depressed is real, and the reasons can be compelling. Earlier I likened the anxious state to being constantly on red … Continue reading