The Five Steps to Group Development.

This is the follow-on article from How to Grow a Families Leader: The Eight Characteristics of Leadership. Using the example of as our group, how can we each develop the stated eight characteristics in ourselves? While Lisa Pietsch may be seen as the leader of (she’s the community manager), group dynamics would suggest that we each have a role to play in ensuring our group’s survival through a systematic understanding of group stages. Bruce Tuckman (educational psychologist) is honored with establishing the five stages of group development. How do these five stages fit We have undergone two … Continue reading

How to Grow a Families leader: The Eight Characteristics of Leadership.

Almost every parent I have spoken to wants to develop leadership skills in their children. While some people appear to be born leaders, many others argue that this is a myth. Where do I sit? I believe that leadership is a skill that can be developed and modeled by parents. Granted, there are many variables that will impact upon a person’s ability to lead successfully: willingness , creativity and intelligence rate high on the scale BUT, understanding and surviving group dynamics is at the core of leadership skills. This is an area that as parents, we can teach our children … Continue reading