Depression in babies and young infants

Could you ever imagine a tiny baby being depressed? Although hard to believe, researchers have noted classic signs of depression in young babies, even those under the age of six months. Although most people associate the occurrence of depression with a series of negative life events, it has now been recognized that even babies as young as six months can display symptoms of depression. In particular, infants of depressed mothers exhibit depressive behaviors, such as a lack of responsiveness and interaction with others, lack of interest in their environment, unhappy facial expressions (as opposed to outright crying), and slow movements. … Continue reading

Postpartum depression: Effects on the marriage

Postpartum depression can be one of the significant factors involved in marital friction and divorce. Despite the prevalence of the condition, women are reluctant to talk about the effect it has on their marriage. In previous blogs, we have discussed the symptoms of postpartum depression and requirements for recovery. Today we will look at the impact of the condition on the mother’s primary relationship: the one she shares with the father of her child. Since the myths surrounding having a baby are all largely positive, it can come as a rude surprise to the mother to discover that the baby … Continue reading

Dads are Important, Too!

A few months ago, a book was released that emphasized the important role that dads have. It is possible that the book may have influenced some parents to take a moment and think about the importance of dads and whether society might need to update its idea of what dads can do. Let me begin by clearly stating that I think that both dads and moms are very important to their children. Each can have a very strong influence. Whether that influence is positive or negative depends largely on the individual choices each parent makes. A book called Do Fathers … Continue reading

You Are Still a Parent In the NICU

Ideally, you gestate for nine months, you give birth, and in a few days, everyone goes home. But as we know that doesn’t always happen. Premature birth can happen to any mother, but some women are at a greater risk. Multiples almost always come early with a mere 5% making it a full forty weeks. Nonetheless, whether you are prepared for the NICU experience or not, when it happens, it can be nothing short of devastating and depressing. A Difficult Birth Babies who are born early are almost always born via cesarean section. While I realize that the surgery goes … Continue reading

Postpartum psychosis: What is it?

Postpartum psychosis is the most severe of the three postnatal conditions as outlined in Postpartum depression: What are the symptoms? It affects roughly one in 500 new mothers and generally manifests within the first fortnight after giving birth. The two predominant symptoms of postpartum psychosis are major depression and manic episodes. Severe manic or depressive episodes, often involving psychosis where the individual loses contact with reality, are a feature of the illness. It should not be confused with the milder depression symptoms experienced with postnatal depression. The symptoms typically begin 2 to 3 days after delivery but may occur as … Continue reading