Facebook Has Resources for Parents of Kids Who Have Autism

Facebook is more than just a website to go to when you want to kill some time playing simple video games. The social nature of the website is what allows it to be a great resource for parents who are seeking answers about how to help their children who have an autism spectrum disorder. It is normal for parents to have some questions about how to handle certain parenting situations. Parenting is a difficult job that has quite a bit of “grey area” in it. At what age should a mom stop breastfeeding a child? How old should a teenager … Continue reading

Are We in a Depression?

I was reading the Facebook statuses for my friends when I came across a very interesting one about how we should try to get as many free groceries as possible because we are currently in a depression. The words economic depression, for me, conjure up the era of of previous generations, when my father had drop out of school in order to get any work he could to help support his large family, such as picking crumbs of coal off of the railroad tracks to sell them. I envision long lines where people are waiting for soup, the only meal … Continue reading

Facebook Depression?

In March of 2011 a clinical report was released from the American Academy of Pediatrics titled The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. This report covers a variety of issues related to social media, both positive and negative. Something that jumped out is a term they refer to: facebook depression. Facebook depression is not a new concept, as other research has addressed it. But the concept is an interesting one. Can facebook cause depression? What is the connection? In January 2011 a 14-year-old teen killed himself after being taunted on facebook. Other stories have been reported in … Continue reading

Blogging Your Health

We live in an age of information. Sometimes, it seems harder to disconnect from phones, email, and computers than it is to stay connected! So how much (or how little) personal information and experience do you put out there? Social networking sites have made it possible for anyone and everyone to find an audience of friends, family, coworkers, and even relative strangers. Again, the question of how much do you (or don’t you) say about your everyday life is important. This sort of thing is on my mind lately in regards to health. Do you talk about your health or … Continue reading

Tips for Coping After Losing Your Spouse

Losing a loved one can be very traumatic, especially when the person who has passed away was your spouse. Grief is something that you cannot rush or outsource, and it will take as long as it needs to. Here are some tips for coping after losing your spouse. Five Stages of Grief People who have lost a spouse are going to be feeling a flood of emotions. You might find some comfort in knowing that what you are experiencing is something that all humans go through. Let yourself feel whatever emotion it is you are feeling, and realize that this … Continue reading

Online Popularity Contest

A warning to parents: Excessive use of Facebook = depressed kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) believes that equation to be 100% true. So, all you moms and dads with Facebook obsessed kids: Be afraid. Be very afraid. I am not on Facebook. Consequently, my second grader has no clue that the social networking site exists. Thus, zero exposure to Facebook = darn happy kid. Despite this fact, I will try to remain humble and not turn this post into an exercise in self-validation. Rather, I will just stick to the facts. According to the AAP, a link exists … Continue reading

When the Holiday’s Aren’t So Happy

There are plenty of things for children to be excited about during the holidays. After all, what’s not to like about days off of school, and presents from Santa? For some children, though, the holidays bring out symptoms of depression. This is something that parents need to be aware of. You probably are aware that Christmas, and the holiday season that surrounds it, can make many people depressed. For adults, this can stem from worries about finances, and from the stress that is involved in organizing family get-togethers. Adults may also be grieving the loss of loved ones who have … Continue reading

Let Us Help You Be Prepared

There are so many reasons that you should make sure that you, your family and your loved ones are prepared. From natural disasters and terrorist activity, to economic depression and food shortages, to medical emergencies and health threats to unexpected job loss and a change in resources, the odds of you coming out alright increases greatly when you have done some preparation in advance. Being prepared does not mean being scared. In fact, it is the opposite. Knowing that you have a plan and the resources to get through the unexpected can really give you peace of mind. What is … Continue reading

Social Networking and Mental Health

During a recent session at the American Psychological Associations’ annual convention a presentation focused on the impact of social networking on kids and had some interesting results. Not long ago I wrote about some research regarding depression and Facebook among teens. This presentation focused on broader psychological issues such as antisocial behaviors and empathy, along with depression and anxiety. The presenter, Dr. Larry Rosen, presented his research findings and gave advice to parents. Some of the concerning data he presented in regards to teens who were regular Facebook users was: that teens who use Facebook often showed more narcissistic tendencies, … Continue reading

Keeping Kids Safe Online

When you are a single parent your child may spend more time unsupervised than you would like, it’s important to teach them basic safety. One of the big areas that you need to be concerned with is the internet. While there are many good things online, education things, there are other things that can be harmful if your child ventures in unsupervised. Everyone has heard stories of online predators and bullies, so how do we protect our kids? I think the most important thing you can do it talk with your children. Before they go online the first time it … Continue reading