Desperate Housewives Marrying to Avoid Loneliness

Lyn has partnered up for the second time. Her first marriage was extremely happy – except that her husband drank until he finally became an alcoholic. Miserable, Lyn put up with the situation for years hoping he would change, but as in many cases, he didn’t. The marriage failed. Desperate for a new man, Lyn went on the singles scene in her early 40s. Unfortunately she met up with Anthony, a seeming kind and affable man just five years older than her. But he had already been married three times before and had children to two of these women. He … Continue reading

The Stages of Being Alone

When you first get divorced you go through the stages of grief. You are mourning a loss, even if you initiated that divorce or were in an abusive relationship, it’s still a loss. Under the pain of the divorce lies all your hopes and dreams, that is what you are mourning, what could have been. One of the first things you have to come to terms with when you divorce is being alone. When your children are with you it may seem that you never have a moment to yourself, but this is a different type of loneliness. Initially you … Continue reading