Unhealthy Behaviors and Emotions

Does psychology play a role in the ability to lose weight?  For some people, the battle to shed extra pounds requires more than a good diet and exercise plan.  There could be something much deeper going on. In fact, some experts believe that in the majority of cases where people struggle with their weight, there are unhealthy behaviors and emotions involved.  If that’s true, then the best plan in the world won’t be able to conquer the problem. So it comes down to the heart of the issue.  It may go beyond the lack of willpower to stop eating when … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Depression

People discuss post-partum depression rather openly nowadays; as someone who had 3 children I can feel for those who have experienced it, as I had my moments. I was happy to hear when actress Brooke Shields came forward with her experience, because she helped normalize something some still felt they had to suffer in silence with. Yet something that we do not hear about often is the depression some women feel while they are pregnant, so I was glad when I found some research discussing this very important issue. Isn’t pregnancy supposed to be the happiest time in a woman’s … Continue reading

Signs of Depression and Suicide

Depression, as a mental health illness, is one of those things that is hard to explain if you have never experienced it or see it in someone close to you. It’s more than just feeling down. It’s more than just a series of bad days. Anytime that depression begins to affect your ability to do the thing you normally do, then there is a chance it may be more than just being sad. Depression is a disease that affects millions of people, men and women, old and young, across all ethnic and cultural boundaries. And, chances are, it is affecting … Continue reading

When Someone You Love Won’t Face Their Depression

I have found myself in a difficult situation. I have come to believe that my husband, whom I love dearly, is suffering from depression. He is expressing a lot of common symptoms. He has lost interest in doing things, to the extent that he will sit in front of the TV all day. He doesn’t have any desire to play with our children. He’s moody and sarcastic. He rarely has anything positive to say. He’s irritable. He has little to no patience. He will sneak away any chance he has and nap. He has no desire for sex. Adding to … Continue reading

The Difference Between Moodiness and Bipolar Disorder

I was talking to a co-worker the other day and we were discussing a teenage client who has extreme mood swings. One minute he’s happy go lucky, joking and laughing, the next he’s angry at the world and wants to hurt someone. “I’m guessing he’s Bipolar ,” my peer said. I just rolled my eyes. Often people will say things like this when dealing with moody people. After all, most know that people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder have extreme ups and extreme downs. The misconception that most people have is that these ups and downs happen quickly, like mood … Continue reading

Risky Behavior Associated with Texting and Social Networking

I just read in the NY Times that a new study was presented last week by the American Public Health Association in Denver that indicates teens who spend most of their time on social network sites, like Facebook, or texting are at risk for certain behavior problems. The researchers indicated that teens are at a higher risk of unprotected sex, smoking, depression, missing school, eating disorders and substance abuse. This came after the researchers presented questions to about 4,000 students in a variety of high schools in Ohio. The findings showed that approximately one tenth of the students spent at … Continue reading

Post-birth Weight Loss and its Psychological Impact

I read an interesting article recently about new mothers and their struggle to regain their figures after childbirth. Actually, it was more sad than interesting. The article told the story of a 37-year-old woman who had given birth to her second child and immediately started a five-day-a-week gym regime. This woman fairly quickly regained her figure. But alas there still persisted those elusive silvery stretch marks and she thought that things had sagged a little as well, Anyway, the exercising hadn’t given her back a 25-year old body. But why did she think it should? And why does she feel … Continue reading

Can Dating Cause Teen Depression?

I had a conversation with my daughter some time back about dating. It wasn’t that she was interested in dating or anything, but I just wanted to make sure she didn’t have any expectations that it was something we would allow anytime soon. I explained that in my experience dating at a young age had caused more stress than happiness. Along with dating comes always worrying about how you look, worrying about your ‘relationship’, and worrying about competition and threats to your relationship. Teens also have to cope with unexpected break-ups that can really throw a teenager for a loop … Continue reading

Post-birth Weight Loss and its Psychological Impact

I read an interesting article recently about new mothers and their struggle to regain their figures after childbirth. Actually, it was more sad than interesting. The article told the story of a 37-year-old woman who had given birth to her second child and immediately started a five-day-a-week gym regime. This woman fairly quickly regained her figure. But alas there still persisted those elusive silvery stretch marks and she thought that things had sagged a little as well,. Anyway, the exercising hadn’t given her back a 25-year old body. But why did she think it should? And why does she feel … Continue reading

Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life

Even though the title might suggest such, I’m not about to tell you how to salvage a slumping sex life by simply putting fresh sheets on your bed. (Although, if it has been weeks since you changed them, I could see how that might help.) Rather, I’m talking a makeover for your bed. Courtney, you do realize we’re in the midst of recession, right? Weren’t you the one freaking out about it not too long ago and coming up with ways to survive it without spending a lot of cash? Why, what a great memory you have! Yes, in fact … Continue reading