Cleaning Product Clearance Items Are a Good Bargain!

Are you familiar with your grocery store’s or box store’s clearance sections? If not, you should be. They can be a source of great savings and an opportunity to stock up on much needed items for your home and your diet. I frequently shop the clearance areas, as well as check the regular shelves for any managers specials or deeply discounted products. With spring and the thoughts on spring cleaning on my mind, I wanted to talk about the good bargains that you can get on cleaning and laundry products when you shop the clearance sections for these items. Unlike … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning the Bathroom – Part 3

Do you feel that spring cleaning is in the air? This is the perfect time of the year to deep clean and organize those rooms. And today we are going to be focusing on the bathroom. Without maintaining the bathroom, it can quickly fall into bad shape. Depending on how badly your bathroom needs it, you may need to do a thorough scrub down. My advice is to start with the decluttering, with the most likely culprit to be the medicine cabinet. This is a great opportunity to go through and throw out expired or unused medicines. Be sure to … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning with Toddlers

Spring is here and we are all trying to do our spring cleaning. With toddlers around, it is important that everyone remember to use caution when cleaning. Let’s look at some spring cleaning tips for parents and grandparents with toddlers in the home. Cleaning with Toddlers *Never leave spray bottles of cleaners within a toddler’s reach. They may spray the cleaner into their eyes or even swallow some of the cleaner! It is best to always put the bottle on a high shelf, the top of the refrigerator or some other high place while cleaning. *Do not use strong fragrances … Continue reading

Keeping Your Clutter Resolutions

This year is one of your resolutions related to your home? I know that mine is. I seem to constantly be in a war with clutter. One of my resolutions is to get more organized and establish systems in order to keep the clutter at bay. Recently I was in someone’s home. It was well put together and looked spotless. As we sat down to talk, my friend admitted that she was far behind in her housework and hadn’t done any cleaning in a week! I couldn’t believe it. She pointed out a cobweb on the ceiling as proof. So … Continue reading

Increase Your Spirituality Through Finding Balance

As I look for peace in my life I find that it is directly related to my current level of spirituality and my focus on putting God and family first in my life. When I do this I am more at peace. I feel that I can accomplish more and everything else just falls into place. I write about this topic a lot, because I also find that it is too easy to allow myself to fall out of balance. It is easy to stop trusting the Lord and to worry obsessively about things that I have no control over. … Continue reading

Attracting Birds to Your Yard

It doesn’t take a ton of effort to attract feathered visitors to your yard or patio. All you need to offer is food, water, and shelter. Providing food for your visiting birds doesn’t have to mean a bird feeder and a constant supply of seed. Flowering and fruit-bearing plants provide sustenance, as do plants that attract insects. Bugs are a good source of protein! When it comes to water, a traditional birdbath isn’t necessary, but can be an attractive addition to your outdoor space. A shallow dish filled with water (like a large plant saucer or even a snow disc) … Continue reading

Optimizing Your Refrigerator

Your refrigerator is one of the biggest energy hogs in your home. That is because of the compressor. It takes a lot of energy to run the motor and keep your food cool. It is estimated that as much as 20 percent of your home energy costs come from running your refrigerator. Knowing how to optimize its usage can really help you cut costs. here are some guidelines. We already know that packing food tightly in a freezer can reduce the amount of energy that is needed to keep everything at a frozen temperature. You can add ice or gallon … Continue reading

Five Quick Cleaning Tips

To me, there are few things better than good cleaning tips to help get chores completed in a quicker and easier way. I’d much rather be do something else -anything else- than cleaning. With that in mind, I’m always on the lookout for tips to share. Filter the Dirt Did you know that a clean, paper coffee filter makes a great cleaning cloth? It’s nealy lint free so it works great on mirrors, windows, other glass surfaces, and even shiny chrome or stainless steal. Try it. Add some Salt When you’re in a pinch, try a pinch of salt. Just … Continue reading

Top Ten Tips for Puppy Proofing Your Home

Puppies are a lot like babies. They need constant care, attention, and supervision. It’s also a good idea to puppy proof your house before bringing the little darling home. This applies to other pets as well. Pets can be very curious. There are some simple tips you can use to keep your puppy safe: 1) Use outlet covers for low wall outlets, just as you would for a baby. Puppies can get shocked too. 2) Secure extension cords. They can cause tripping hazards and they can also cause items to fall on the puppy if the cord is pulled too … Continue reading

Sing Your Way to Calm

Anyone who has suffered from debilitating anxiety will know that correct breathing is one of the principal weapons against anxiety and panic attacks. There are countless references to the importance of breathing correctly in many schools of relaxation therapy, including yoga. While all of these methods are excellent and should be pursued, it can take a considerable length of time to make correct breathing your everyday style. Patterns of quick, shallow breathing which promote anxiety due to the changing oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio in the blood, are often firmly entrenched. It can take a lot of conscious effort to make correct, … Continue reading