The Therapist / Sexual Predator

As we discussed in When Your Therapist Does Harm, there are a small proportion of therapists and general counselors who use their position of power to manipulate their clients. The predominant scenario involves a male therapist entering into a sexual relationship with a female client, although the reverse is not unknown. Fortunately these cases are rare, although it is not rare for a patient to become infatuated with their therapist. As previously discussed, therapists must be very cautious in dealing with clients who appear to be “in love” with them. The problem for the patient begins when the therapist decides … Continue reading

When Your Therapist Does Harm (2)

In When Your Therapist Does Harm (1) (see link below) we looked at the possibility that some therapists may actually cause further harm in their already distressed patients and clients. This harm usually comes in the form of instigating a sexual relationship with their client. As previously mentioned, it is imperative that for therapy to work there is a good rapport between therapist and client. In fact, therapy will stall without it. But occasionally, due to the intimate nature of therapy, a client may become infatuated with their therapist. This customarily happens between a male therapist and a female client, … Continue reading

When Your Therapist Does Harm (1)

Therapists are supposed to help us, right? Technically, yes. But as in any profession there are unscrupulous ones and people who suffer from emotional illnesses are more vulnerable than most to the dealings of a less-than-helpful therapist. Because a patient needs to feel completely comfortable with a therapist for positive changes to take place, the patient must learn to trust and open up to the therapist. In doing so, the therapist can observe what factors caused the illness, and what factors are keeping the illness going. In revealing their inner lives to their therapist, often in a manner in which … Continue reading

Finding a Good Therapist

It can be very difficult to make the decision to go into therapy and people begin therapy for many reasons. It could be that the person is in so much emotional pain, that to do nothing about it is not an option. At the other end of the spectrum are people who don’t really want to go to therapy but are forced to by a spouse or family member. The odds of success are high for the former group and obviously much lower for the second group. But for whatever reason you decide to enter therapy, the one thing you … Continue reading

How to Avoid Some Health Insurance Hassles

Health insurance companies use a bit of gamesmanship when they select which customers they are going to cover, and which they are going to deny. Their purpose is to keep their costs as low as possible, while increasing their profits. Savvy consumers can play this game, too. The more you know about how health insurance works, the less hassle you will have to deal with. You might even end up saving yourself some money in the process. Does your health insurance come with a network? If so, then you can save yourself some money by making sure that the doctors … Continue reading

When Your Child Won’t Eat Anything

Many children who have some form of a sensory processing disorder struggle with food. This can cause some kids to absolutely refuse to eat much of anything at all, to the point where the child is on the verge of malnutrition. The more a parent can understand about what their child is experiencing, the better the chance there is that the child will, eventually, choose to eat something. It’s not unusual for children to go through a stage where he or she becomes a “picky eater”. Often, this is something that happens when a child is transitioning between baby food … Continue reading

Hoarding Can Run in Families

I’ve been watching the television show called “Hoarders” lately, and am completely amazed by it. What I find most striking is that many of the people who are hoarders say that someone else in their family, often one of their parents, was a hoarder, too. It seems to be something that runs in families, and that is a mental illness. Without stating names, I will say that there are a few people in my family who were, or are, hoarders. Some of what I see on the television show “Hoarders”, reminds me of the homes of a few of my … Continue reading

Transitioning Out of ECI

Jessie will be three on November 16. I can’t believe that she’s so big. I still remember the day she joined our family when she was nine months like it was yesterday. Where did the time go? Can we stop it? Jessie has been getting therapy through Early Childhood Intervention since she came to us. I don’t know why she wasn’t enrolled in her previous foster home. Jessie has gotten occupational therapy since her initial evaluation. ECI added speech therapy when Jessie turned two. I had been asking for it before then. Today was Jessie’s last visit with ECI. Her … Continue reading

Reasons to Homeschool Your Special Needs Child

As a parent of a child with a special health need, I have often considered homeschooling her for a variety of reasons. First, it limits her to the exposure of germs that could land her in the hospital. Second, when she does get sick even with just a cold, she could be missing school for a full two weeks and need tutoring anyway. Third, the amount of time her treatments take mean a long day for a kid if most of it is spent in school. Being at home would mean no bus ride, no transitional time between classes, no … Continue reading

Two Dozen MORE Reasons to Lose Weight

Losing weight will be CONVENIENT: • I will plan meals ahead of time, saving time at the store and at restaurants and fast-food establishments. • Eating only what I have planned will save time previously spent thinking about food, looking for a snack, eating extra food. • I will save time not sitting in doctor’s offices for weight-related illnesses. • I’ll save time shopping for clothes that fit! • I will save time by working thoroughly through the steps of this weight-loss program rather than have to do another weight-loss program later. The first stages of changing habits are the … Continue reading