Change What You Can

We may not be always able to change our circumstances but we can change the way we view them. We can view life as hard and a drag, or we change our attitude to look for the blessings and positives in each day. While we were waiting for our move down to the South Coast, we were unable to change our circumstances. But we could change our attitude. Instead of resenting every moment of the delay, we used the time to draw closer to God and try to discover what the Lord wanted to teach us through the experience. It … Continue reading

Kids Gain Even More When They Lose

Look at that million dollar grin. And by a million I mean nearly 50 bucks. The Tooth Fairy has been very, very generous to my daughter. Since this picture was taken, roughly three weeks ago, my 8-year-old has pocketed an additional $20 from the Fairy who pays for falling enamel. That’s way, way more than the average kid makes experiencing this normal rite of passage from childhood to adulthood, but that’s mainly because the Tooth Fairy’s generous grandparents also add in several dollars to sweeten the pot. Take the Fairy’s parents out of the mix, and most kids these days … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of July 9, 2012

Every week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. This is a good place to find genealogy podcast that are new to you. There may also be podcasts that don’t always talk about genealogy topics, but, have done so for a random episode. Genealogy Gems released episode number 136 on July 8, 2012. This episode is called “Life After iGoogle”. In this episode, host Lisa Louise Cooke has a fantastic solution for everyone who is concerned about Google pulling the plug on iGoogle. She also points out that her website has been upgraded, … Continue reading

Smash those irrational beliefs (2)

Today we continue on from Smashing those irrational beliefs (1) and look at more limiting ways in which the things we think about ourselves and the world around us work to our disadvantage. In the last blog, we looked at a host of irrational beliefs and the truths that lie behind them. Today we’ll look at more: Irrational belief: My life should be a happy one without any major problems or worries. I am angry, disappointed and/or depressed when things go wrong. Truth: Unfortunate events can happen at any time, to any one. No-one is immune from life’s traumas, including … Continue reading

Smash those irrational beliefs (1)

Many of us lead limited lives, never reaching our full potential because of irrational beliefs. Somewhere during the course of our early life, we have picked up these beliefs and made them our own. But we can change the way we think about ourselves. We can actively replace these self-limiting beliefs with a whole new set of ideas that, in time, will help us to accept ourselves and lead more fulfilling lives. Most, if not all irrational beliefs are lies, and replacing them with the truth can help us see the world and ourselves in a far more realistic light. … Continue reading