Where’s “IT” at? Keeping your Child’s Anxiety Out of the Bag and on the Chain.

If you’ve ever had to enter into hand-to-hand combat with the witch under the bed or the bearded baddie at the window, then you already know that children’s anxiety can be disturbingly real to them. Just like adults, children can also suffer from free-floating and generalized anxiety or panic attacks. One in nine children are affected to the extent that it constipates their daily functioning and our nightly sleep. The witch or monster doesn’t just appear every now and then as part of normal chronological or problem solving development, they rarely leave and they will taunt the child at any … Continue reading

Anxiety: The new plague of the millennium

Stress and anxiety have overtaken the contagious diseases that once plagued our grandparents and are regarded as the new epidemics of the 21st century. Having developed vaccinations for any number of communicable and deadly diseases, we are now left with the unease of the mind. Our fast-paced lives and changing family structures can contribute to a sense of helplessness and instability. Stressed-out people are now far more common than laid-back folk, and this is reflected in the increasing incidence of domestic violence, road rage, stress-related illness, and full-blown mental breakdowns, together with the rapidly escalating use of tranquillizers and antidepressants. … Continue reading

What Are You Afraid Of?

Fears are something most of us struggle with. Some of our fears are irrational and we don’t understand where they came from or how to deal with them. It might be a fear of sudden death, heights, spiders, darkness, and mice as some people have mentioned in the forum. Others may have some root cause in childhood or past experiences e.g. a fear of water after nearly drowning. The Bible tells us ‘perfect love casts out fear,’ 1 John 4:18. If we trust in the Lord then we should be able to seek His help in dealing with those fears … Continue reading

Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to the 11th Month of the Year!

Can it really be November 1st already? That’s the part about the mad dash towards Halloween that always seems startling, the very next morning it’s November 1st and in my family, that means heading in towards the holidays. What lists we may have compiled, what gifts we may have already purchased or picked up and what plans we may have already made go under the microscope as we get ready for the last eight to nine weeks of the year. In three short weeks, it will be the week of Thanksgiving and on the very last day of the month, … Continue reading

Don’t Let Helplessness Control Your Happiness

Helplessness is a major contributor to marriage conflict, disagreements and even depression. The sense that you have no control over your environment and that nothing you do can affect it can leave you ineffectual and helpless. A sense of helplessness can create increased psychological stress on your life and on every interaction you have. Too often, we get caught up on a runaway train of coping with financial problems such as getting our bills paid, saving up for holidays and events. Changes in technology such as trying to get through to report a problem with something can leave us frustrated … Continue reading

My Spouse is Letting Him or Herself Go

When you get married, it’s not atypical to see your spouse at their worst. Unlike when you’re dating, primping is no longer a priority. But there’s a difference between being comfortable without makeup and sitting around in your grungy clothes and letting yourself go. So what do you do if your spouse is letting him or herself go? External changes are usually indicative of internal changes. If you are the one who has done the changing, consider when and how it became okay in your own mind to be less fun, less attractive, less outgoing or in some way less … Continue reading